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The Bear
The Prince
The Hag
The West Wind

Final Year University work- 'East of the Sun, West of the Moon'

The East
The South Wind
The North Wind
The Troll Princess
The Slave

My final project as a student of Costume Design and Making was an adaptation of the Norweigan fairy tale 'East of the Sun, West of the Moon'. In this adaptation the story is set in a post apocalyptic world where the Earth is dying from the effects of climate change.


The Daughter is the protagonist of the tale, she saves the Bear from the ‘evil’ Troll’s. The Daughters represents climate change activists who are trying to save the Earth.

The Bear is cursed, who must live as a large white bear during the day and turns into his true self, a man, during the night. He is an embodiment of the dying Earth. He has damaged fur and skin, representing the Earth that is dying from the effects of climate change. 

The Hag gives the daughter a spinning wheel to help her on her save the Prince. The spinning wheel inspired the personification of the problems of the fashion industry in the Hags costume. 

The East Wind is the first wind brother in the story. He helps the Daughter travel towards the castle where the Prince is imprisoned. Using his geographical name, the Wind represents the overpopulation of the ‘Eastern’ world and the world's over-consumption of food

The West Wind represents the use of vehicles, machinery, and the pollution. 

The South wind represents the fires in the Amazon rain-forest and the deforestation that occurs in the rain-forests of the Southern hemisphere.  

The oldest and most powerful wind brother is the North Wind, he is the Northern hemisphere where the ice is slowly melting due to the Earth’s temperature increase.

The Slaves are kept by the Troll’s and represent the renewable energy that is not being used to its full advantage.

The Troll Princess is the antagonist of the story and is the reason the Daughter must save the Prince. She represents reluctance to save the dying planet from climate change by depicting one of the biggest causes of climate change, the use of oil and fossil fuels. 

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